with John C Comisi, DDS, MAGD and Karen L Comisi, CDA, RDA, FADAA
Are your patients frustrated? Frustrated because they are told they are not “brushing and flossing” well enough. Is that perhaps because they are being “told” to do it rather than shown how to do it?
The concept of oral management varies from individual to individual and is dependent upon what we are taught or perceive during our lifetime. For some the process is very easy and comes naturally, while for others it is a constant struggle because picturing the end result may not be so clear.
Our job as dental professionals is to provide the needed tools and directions to our patients so that they can succeed in the removal of the biofilm that creates oral disease. Without knowledge, there will not be healing.
This course will discuss the various discoveries we have used in helping our patients manage their oral health, and include the “trials and tribulations” experienced over the years of care for numerous patients.

Over the past 30 years, Karen has held almost every staff position in the dental office, with the exception of dentist and dental hygienist. She has been an orthodontic dental assistant, oral surgeon dental assistant, general dentist assistant, front desk and insurance coordinator and is currently the Practice Administrator and CFO for “Dental Care with a Difference”®, PC.
She is one of the first licensed, registered restorative function dental assistants in New York State and is a founding member of the Southern Tier Dental Assistants Society. She has been appointed to and serves on the NY State Board for Dentistry and serves as a board member on the Dental Assistants National Board (DANB). Karen is a member of the American Dental Assistants Association, the American Association of Dental Office Managers, the Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedure (OSAP), the American Association of Dental Boards (AADB) and is an affiliate member of the Academy of General Dentistry.

Dr. Comisi has been in private practice in Ithaca, NY since 1983, and is President and CEO of Dental Care with a Difference®, PC, where “Knowledge Brings Health”®, and a Clinical Instructor in Dentistry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.
A graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, he received his Bachelor of Science in Biology at Fordham University. He is a respected Key Opinion Leader, author, speaker and consultant who contributes regularly to the dental literature in such Journals as General Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Dental Education, Dental Product Shopper, Mentor Magazine, Dental Products Report, Dental Economics, Dentistry Today, CE Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Health Journal and Inside Dentistry.
He is an Editorial Board Member for Dental Product Shopper magazine, an Editorial Advisory Board of Dental Products Report and a member of the Continuing Education Advisory Board of Dental Learning, He is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry, the American Dental Association, the American Society for Dental Aesthetics, the National Dental Practice Based Research Network (NDPBRN) and the American and International Associations for Dental Research.
Dr. Comisi is a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry, and holds Fellowships in the Academy of Dentistry International, the American College of Dentists, the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the International College of Dentists.
Karen and John’s practical approach to the trends in dentistry has made them a much sought after speaking, author and consultant team in the dental industry. They bring a passion and a knowledge base in a witty and lively style that is refreshing and sincere.